Monday, November 10, 2008

Persyaratan Teknis Rumah Susun (Rusun)

Persyaratan Teknis Pembangunan Rumah Susun (Rusun) menurut UU No. 16 Tahun 1985 tentang Rumah Susun adalah :
  1. Ruang; memenuhi fungsi utamanya sebagai tempat tinggal sehari-hari, tempat usaha atau fungsi ganda.
  2. Struktur; komponen dan bahan bangunan; memperhatikan prinsip koordinasi modular dan syarat konstruksi.
  3. Kelengkapan rumah susun; dilengkapi dengan alat transportasi bangunan, pintu dan tangga darurat kebakaran, alat dan sistem alarm kebakaran, penangkal petir, jaringan air bersih, saluran pembuangan air hujan, saluran pembuangan air limbah, tempat sampah tempat jemuran, kelengkapan pemeliharaan bangunan, jaringan listrik, generator listrik, gas.
  4. Kepadatan dan tata letak bangunan; memperhitungkan (KDB), (KLB), ketinggian dan kedalaman bangunan serta penggunaan tanah untuk mencapai optimasi daya guna dan hasil guna tanah.
  5. Satuan rumah susun; Mempunyai ukuran yang standar minimum 18 m2 dengan lebar muka minimal 3 m.
  6. Benda bersama; Benda bersama dapat berupa prasarana lingkungan dan fasilitas lingkungan.
  7. Bagian Bersama; Bagian bersama dapat berupa ruang untuk umum, struktur dan kelengkapan rumah susun, prasarana lingkungan dan fasilitas lingkungan yang menyatu dengan bangunan rumah susun.
  8. Prasarana lingkungan; Prasarana lingkungan berupa jalan setapak, jalan kendaraan sebagai penghubung antar bangunan rumah susun atau keluar lingkungan rumah susun, tempat parkir dan/atau tempat penyimpanan barang, utilitas umum yang terdiri dari jaringan air limbah, jaringan sampah, jaringan pemadam kebakaran, jaringan listrik, jaringan gas, jaringan telepon dan alat komunikasi lainnya.
  9. Fasilitas lingkungan; Lingkungan rumah susun harus dilengkapi fasilitas perniagaan dan perbelanjaan, lapangan terbuka, pendidikan, kesehatan, peribadatan, fasilitas pemerintah dan pelayanan umum serta pemakaman dan pertamanan.

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Tujuan dan Sasaran Rumah Susun / Rusun

Tujuan Khusus Pembangunan Rumah Susun adalah untuk mengendalikan lajunya pembangunan rumah-rumah biasa yang banyak memakan lahan.

Menurut UU No. 16 tahun 1985 Tentang Rumah Susun, tujuan Pembangunan Rumah Susun (Rusun) adalah:
  1. Memenuhi kebutuhan perumahan yang layak bagi rakyat, terutama bagi golongan masyarakat yang berpenghasilan menengah kebawah, yang menjamin kepastian hukum dalam pemanfaatannya.
  2. Meningkatkan daya guna dan hasil guna tanah didaerah perkotaan dengan memperhatikan kelestarian sumber daya alam dan menciptakan lingkungan permukiman yang lengkap, serasi dan seimbang.
Sasaran Penghuni Rumah Susun:
  1. Masyarakat yang terkena langsung proyek peremajaan dan pembangunan
  2. Masyarakat sekitar yang berada dalam lingkup kumuh yang segera akan dibebaskan
  3. Target jual ditujukan pada masyarakat berpenghasilan menengah kebawah, dengan penghasilan antara Rp. 600.000 sampai Rp. 1.500.000
Jadi bisa dikatakan pembangunan Rumah Susun (Rusun) dari pihak Pemerintah adalah tujuan yang sangat baik untuk membuat penduduk Indonesia yang kurang mampu atau masih tinggal di lingkungan yang kurang layak untuk juga dapat merasakan dan menikmati pembangunan yang telah dilakukan pemerintah dengan cara suatu wadah atau ruang untuk beraktivitas dengan layak dan sehat. Bravo untuk NKRI
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Pengertian Rusun

Menurut UU No.16 tahun 1985 tentang rumah susun. Rumah Susun diartikan sebagai berikut :

Rumah Susun adalah bangunan gedung bertingkat yang dibangun dalam suatu lingkungan yang terbagi dalam bagian-bagian yang distrukturkan secara fungsional dalam arah horisontal maupun vertikal dan merupakan satuan-satuan yang masing-masing dapat dimiliki dan digunakan secara terpisah terutama untuk tempat hunian yang dilengkapi dengan bagian bersama, benda bersama dan tanah bersama

Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa rumah susun merupakan suatu pengertian yuridis arti bangunan gedung bertingkat yang senantiasa mengandung sistem kepemilikan perseorangan dan hak bersama, yang penggunaannya bersifat hunian atau bukan hunian. Secara mandiri ataupun terpadu sebagai satu kesatuan sistem pembangunan.

atau Rumah Susun adalah bangunan yang dibangun untuk menampung sekumpulan manusia yang terorganisir kedalam suatu wadah dengan pertimbangangan kehidupan manusia hidup secara layak secara horizontal dan vertikal dengan sistem pengelolaan yang menganut konsep kebersamaan.
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Small is Beautiful and Efficiency Energy

Indonesian housing generally have compound (pavilion) system which consist of several units with different function. Every rooms like the living room, main bed room, kitchen, bath room and dining hall represent in constructed by own building. The several building is integrated by inner court. Examples houses are, Toraja, Bali, Sulawesi and Javanese house. The functional room like the living room, main bed room, kitchen, bath room and dining hall in constructed of small building. The benefit of small building for a humid tropical climatic area is possible in use crosses ventilation. The sun light can be source from the four sides of walls. So the building has energy efficient for lighting and ventilation. The small building means less material for construction which may have less to own environmental consequences. The general advantage to this is efficiency in use of space, good organization, and keeping possessions to a manageable level.
adpted from : Suryandar, Putri and Sajjad Mubin; MIX AND MATCH TRADITIONAL AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY, TOWARD SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL HOUSING IN THE TROPICS; Architecture Dept., Faculty of Engineering Budi Luhur University
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Lay out plan increasing the sunlight

The main ordering principles of the Javanese houses are centrality and linearity. Centrality dominates the open pavilion, which has its focus in the middle, and the house as a whole where the duality of the pavilion and the living quarters are synthesized by the passageway. Linearity is dominant with respect to the most sacred place in the house, which is situated at the middle at the back of the living quarters. A further differentiation between private and public opposes the living quarters to the open pavilion where guests are received in a formal way. Around this basic structure of the house other rooms, such as the kitchen, bathroom, guest room, and dining hall, may be found. The whole compound is encircled by a fence. (Prijotomo ;1984) Building orientation of Javanese houses is to fit in with point of the compass, North and South or West and East. North and South are upstream towards the sea. West and East are upstream towards the mountain. In the East there are Semeru and Merbabu mountains, whereas in the West is Merapi mountain. Orientation direction to East and West is influenced by the people in habitant livelihood as a farmer. They use in front and the back of the house to dry their rice-plant. North and East orientation are influenced by their traditional beliefs with the goddess, especially Nyi Roro Kidul from East.

The Balinese dwelling is likewise a form of open space architecture. The orientation upstream of the house towards the holy mountain Gunung Agung plays an important role. This direction is considered sacred, while its opposite is profane. The territory of the house is divided, on the one hand, into mountain (head), land (body), and sea (legs), and, on the other hand, into the rising (head), zenith (body), and setting (legs) of the sun. The combination of these two divisions results in nine cells of which the mountain/sunrise (head/head) combination is the most sacred and oriented towards the holy mountain. The sea/sunset (legs/legs) combination is the most profane. This means that the Balinese house is dominated by anthropomorphic and cosmic principles combined in gradation from sacred to profane (Nas 1995).

adpted from : Suryandar, Putri and Sajjad Mubin; MIX AND MATCH TRADITIONAL AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY, TOWARD SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL HOUSING IN THE TROPICS; Architecture Dept., Faculty of Engineering Budi Luhur University
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Keep Cool The House with Raised-floor Construction, Steep Roof and Long Over Hang

Climate condition is Humid Tropical Climatic which the high temperature all over the year. A house with raised-floor construction can control the room temperature to keeps cool by natural ventilation system. The raised-floor construction, make add space behind the floor. The air circulation flow and influence a house temperature to keep cool. The more advantage could be find if using wood material floor. So that, wind will acquire the sixth side of house and reduce high temperature that influence from around the village. Almost all of Architecture Traditional housing in Indonesia especially Sumatra, sulawesi, aceh, Kalimantan, Riau and Betawi use raised-floor construction. The first floor is functions especially for breeding animals, wild animal, climate condition and disaster. The construction of living space there are again two alternatives; either the beams of the raised floor are mortised through posts reaching up to the roof – H frame- or alternatively, the foundation elements do not reach above floor level and [11] carry a box frame/ construction (ex :Toraja House, Sulawesi house, aceh House). (Figure 9 ) On the other hand, traditional house roof in Indonesia also varies by form. All varies also construction by wood. Varies roof from Java are Kampong Trajumas roof, Kampung Doro gepak roof, Limasan roof and Joglo roof. Against heavy Rainfall, it has steep roof and long overhang. The high humidity will be reduces through good air circulation. Kampong Trajumas roof, have open air circulation for ventilation in front to back the house. Kampung Doro gepak roof have steep roof and open air circulation also in front to the back house, but less than trajumas. Limasan roofs, has closely roof and no open air circulation. Joglo roofs have steep roof and open air circulation from inclination of steep and sloping roof.
adpted from : Suryandar, Putri and Sajjad Mubin; MIX AND MATCH TRADITIONAL AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY, TOWARD SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL HOUSING IN THE TROPICS; Architecture Dept., Faculty of Engineering Budi Luhur University
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Sustainable architecture applies techniques of sustainable design to architecture. It is related to the concept of green building (or green architecture). Green Architecture can describe as the architecture development and environment 4]that have any typology of architecture which could conserve resources, environment and natural ecosystem. Characteristics and classifications of Traditional housing in humid tropic climate like Indonesia, have matching concept with sustainable architectural concept, among others: 1. Use Natural Material and Local material 2. Keep cool the house with raised-floor construction, Steep Roof and long over hang 3. Lay out plan increasing a sun lighting 4. Small is beautiful and Energy efficient Use Natural Material and Local material Traditionally in Indonesia, wooden buildings have been constructing. The type and use of wood are lies in wide range from hard wood to bamboos. The use of extensive wood in housing sector is the main cause of deforestation in the country which caused frequent floods and erosion of top soil in to river system. The traditional construction was fit for earth quake resistance, because of their resistance to horizontal loading (earthquake waves). Example of a five meter high traditional warehouses and barns made of bamboo and sugarcane leaves in the badly hit Bantul district in Yogyakarta has put here, which still stands in its original position after the earthquake (May,2006) while modern [1]buildings in the same region were ruined. However, bamboo is not only strong and flexible material, it aesthetically appealing. The material was easy to obtain and easily replaced when aged or damaged by weather condition.

Figure (a).Sulawesi Tenggara House; Figure (b). Aceh house; Figure (c). H - Frame

Figure (a). Traditional warehouse in Bantul which is highly resistant to the earthquakes;

Figure (b). 35 year old roof in Surabaya

Traditionally, Iron wood shingles or sirap are one of the most commonly used roofing materials of Indonesia. Ironwood is known locally as Kayu Besi or Ulin. It is one of the world’s most durable timbers. Originating from Kalimantan (Borneo) these shingles have been used for hundreds of years by the locals there for traditional housing. The Dutch colonials introduced them to the rest of the archipelago and they are now found on many large government buildings as well as high class houses. It has a serviceable lifespan of at least thirty years. Alang alang thatching has been used in Indonesia for hundreds of years on the islands of Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Timor and Sumba as a traditional system of roofing. There are slight variations in the application of the material throughout these different places but by far the neatest and strongest form is found in Bali.

adapted from : Suryandar, Putri and Sajjad Mubin; MIX AND MATCH TRADITIONAL AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY, TOWARD SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL HOUSING IN THE TROPICS; Architecture Dept., Faculty of Engineering Budi Luhur University

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The Tradition As The Main Role of Sustainbility

Principle on Tradional Settlement Culture and Tradition are developed pararelly with the development of the human civilization . These is very clearly seen from the way of life and developed in groups of community in their region , so that there are culture and tradition distinctions in each group . The Settlement of Sundanesse in West Java, here is taken a example of Kampung Naga in West Java . Kampung Naga is occupied by member of ex-Kingdom of Pajajaran . Every house is occupied by only one family , the sum of the house is limited only up to 110 houses , to keep the support capacity of land against the total inhabitants . House as a basic for settlement in Indonesian Archipelago has more than 18.000 islands , 300 tribes , 300 languages . Because of this situation this land has many cultures , traditions and rituals ( adat istiadat ) These all will be seen in the living art , the settlement, that is build in thousand years.
adapted from : Mauboy, Christine Wahyuasih; SUSTAINBILITY PRINCIPLE ON TRADITIONAL SETTLEMENT IN INDONESIA THE VILLAGE “KAMPUNG NAGA “ ; Department of Architecture, Budi Luhur University
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Introduction the Dynamics of Sustainability

The dynamics of sustainable architecture are no different than for other human activities or interventions which impact the environment. Within a given ecological setting, human cultures evolve an adaptive response to their environment. The cultures develop technologies as means of fulfilling individual and collective needs and desires. In turn, these technologies result in environmental impacts or stress on the ecology. Ecology, culture and technology evolve and adapt, but the relationship is not always symbiotic, and in some cases dysfunctional. Viewed from this perspective, sustainable architecture requires architectural culture to understand and contribute to the harmonization of ecology and technology.

Figure Dynamic model of sustainabilty

ecology 1. a) the branch of biology which deals with the relationship between living organisms and their environment; b) the complex of relations between a specific organism and its environment. 2. in sociology, the study of the relationship and adjustment of human groups to their geographical environment. culture 1. the ideas, beliefs, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a given people in a given period; civilization. technology 1. the science or study of the practical or industrial arts, applied sciences, etc. 2. the terms used in a science, art, etc.; technical terminology. 3. applied science. 4. a method, process, etc. for handling a specific technical problem. 5. the system by which a society provides its members with those things needed or desired.

At its highest level, sustainability involves the mediation between ecology and technology and relies on culturally appropriate attitudes and behaviour. The frustration experienced by many architects today reflects what are often viewed as inappropriate attitudes on the part of clients who fail to recognize that buildings are more than an economic commodity, but a cultural resource and legacy for future generations to come.
adapted from : Mauboy, Christine Wahyuasih; SUSTAINBILITY PRINCIPLE ON TRADITIONAL SETTLEMENT IN INDONESIA THE VILLAGE “KAMPUNG NAGA “ ; Department of Architecture, Budi Luhur University
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